Monday, February 11, 2013

Seal of quality on the course and your projects!

Someone stumbled on our course and your projects, was impressed and will write about it in "his" book, the annual "Innovations in Magazine Media World Report".

Read more about it on my blog!


Friday, December 14, 2012

Here's A Computer Screen On A Contact Lens

What seemed like the future only last week is considerably nearer this week!

From Business insider: "The end of smartphones: Here's a computer screen on a contact lens".


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Future of collecting week 48

What we have done: everybody in the group have been busy doing other things this week - we have done nothing on the project except for the finish-up of the text..

What we will do: we will do an animation for the presentation.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Readly : Week 48

What we have done: 

Since the last status report we have finished the text for the book and made some usability tests on the potential users. We have done all the filming for the movie and started editing the movie.

What we will do:
Next week is the final presentation. So we need to come up with a presentation beside the movie and finish the editing of the movie.  We also going to decide which one of us that is going to present and have some kind of rehearsal internally.

No problems this week

Week 48: MAGi

What we have done:

  • We have finished the script for our film.
  • Created a shot list for the filmmaking.
  • Fixed equipment, location, actors, props, and narrator for the film.
  • We are done with the filming and sound recording of narrator.

What we will do:

  • We will finish editing the film.
  • Eat saffron buns.
  • Prepare for the final presentation.
  • Dispatch the presentation and film to executive group.

Problems encountered:

  • None

Audience of One

The Audience of One team has been working hard this week, not making any gimmicks, but thinking of the clearest, most effective ways to convey out ideas during our presentation. We plan to wrap up the  day with something refreshingly realistic.

Although our idea may not be flashy, we think it is extremely exciting and and we can't wait to share it with you and the industry soon!

Week 48: A Magazine For Several Senses

What we have done:

  • started with the movie
  • started creating rice paper
  • started with ideas for the presentation

Printable Speaker // Listen To Jamie's New Recipe

"Paper" // Rice - and Tapioka, Vanilla, Chili

What we will do:
  • edit movie
  • create final presentation
  • interview with Hans Althin was unfortunately cancelled
  • some changes had to be made in the production of the movie
  • rice paper is not as easy to produce as the woman on youtube makes you believe
  • amazingly friendly and helpful people (especially Björn Blanck from Papyrus)
  • got some more insights and ideas from several artists

See also the last post