Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week 44 - Digital contact lenses as a window for future magazine reading. Complete immersion through magazines.

Group name : 
Digital contact lenses as a window for future magazine reading.
Complete immersion through magazines.

What we have done:
This week we have started to do some more reseach about augmented reality and also watched some videos on the concept of retina lenses and glasses. We have also done a concept video that we will present on November 9 witch is the mid-crit.

What we will do:
The mid-crit is coming up, so we will try to make a great presentation for the crit and also start to work on the material for the book.

Concept video on our subject: 

1 comment:

  1. - I don't get it. How can the magazine in front of me at the restaurant change what I see outside the window (rain, dinosaurs)?
    - Limitations on magazine genre is probably a very good idea. Perhaps narrow it down further with just one?
    - VFX?
    - Your project (as least as seen through the video above) is big. Too big? hard to see the connection to magazines at the present.
    - Also, the guy in the video can easily be seen as pathetic, writhing on the floor, sitting alone in an empty living room, getting running advice about how to impress his date from a computer program etc... - that's probably not what you want to get too inspired by. So what/how exactly will you use/be inspired by concepts and ideas from the video?
    - Very short report w.44 with little content, analysis, reflection!?
